Mii versus Tiger ...
Winner: Mii!
Game: Tiger Woods PGA Tour '07
Course: Central Park (fantasy).
Front Nine:
Back Nine:
Winner: Mii!
Game: Tiger Woods PGA Tour '07
Course: Central Park (fantasy).
Front Nine:
Back Nine:
Now with even more ellipsis!
If I had something descriptive to say ... I would have said it here. But for now this is it.
My homepage is at Richt.FreeShell.Org
My 'other' home page is RichTowle.GooglePages.Com
My Blogger profile is here.
(But I am impressed -- the computer golf games are not easy to play!)
However, Tiger just got "fired" by Buick - which means a mere 7 million fewer dollars next year - obviously he was worried about paying the bills for his mansion, yacht, jet plane, etc. M