Lotsa miles, goin' ...


  9,085.37 Miles ridden
  23.78 Average (a new record, and one I am getting tired of but since I'm so close to getting it up to 24 miles per ride I might as well continue)

4,054.37 miles in the 182 days since Bike to Work Day 2010 (May 13). I am well ahead of my goal of bicycling 6,000 miles by Bike to Work Day 2011 (May 20)

572.65 in April
603.86 in May
607.37 in June
661.30 in July
574.13 in August
720.16 in September
707.55 in October (no bicycling for days I was sick. I think I did good - was concerned at one point that I wouldn't reach my goal of 500 miles)
500.12 in November (so far - after just 14 and a 1/2 days, averaging ~37 miles a day)

Graphy goodness:


Shellie said…
Oh my, you are so impressive! I have been to Sacramento three times in one week... does that count for anything?

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