Before and after ...

the consumption of a Taco Loco Burrito, a scientific comparison.

Before burrito Scrabble game #1: Mom 266, me 335

Before burrito Scrabble game #2: Mom 225, me 294

After burrito Scrabble game #3: Mom 325, me 324

Twelve hours after burrito Scrabble game #4: Mom 307, me 322

Conclusions: although the burrito is obviously improving my physical well being, it is detrimental to my otherwise awesomely mad Scrabble skills for exactly twelve hours.

KWYJIBO lives!!!


Janet said…
I wish there was photo evidence of Game #3, with color-coding to indicate which words belonged to who (whom?)... such a close game!

Maybe... delicious burritos inhibit the brain's ability to focus on anything other than how delicious the burrito was? Another reason why I wish there was photo evidence of the "after" game... I bet all your words were things like "beans," "rice," "cheese," "steak," and, if you've got good taste, "hot sauce!"

Yes, that's right. The exclamation mark is part of the phrase "hot sauce!"

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