There were a couple of interesting comments ...

in response to my posting "I had my first bicycle crash yesterday ...":

Brian said

Please mount a webcam onto your bicycle from now on and beam the signal back to your home pc so we can watch you ride your bike live on your blog? If recorded, we might also be able to catch Uncle Rich vs. Obvlivious-Pedestrian #2 if that ever happens.

Could you construct a forward-facing nausea-inducing piezo siren that you couldn't hear while riding? Everyone within a 45 degree swath in front of you would be brought to a halt, potentially.

If the latter is implemented, it would be even more fun to watch the webcam feed. "Oh look there's a person crossing the road in front of... YEESSS he bent over... it looks like he is throwing up!!! Go Uncle Rich!" ... and you safely pass by on your trek around Alameda.

Edit: please also mount lasers on your next helmet, and then connect gyro-based head-tracking controls to the webcam on your handlebars.

I'm your nephew Brian and I approve of this message.

Janet said (slightly paraphrased)

blah - blah - blah - poor baby - blah - blah - blah.
Since you are too old and sore to ride your bike anymore ... can I have it??? One of the pedals fell off my K-Mart/Wal-Mart special again.
blah - blah - blah - old people shouldn't ride bicycles - blah - blah - blah.


Anonymous said…
You are fortunate that my response did not go through! Just a typicaol mother type - you know - did you see a doctor? - etc. Keep on biking. Mom
Anonymous said…
Okay, okay, my response was not as hip and trendy and geekified as Brian's! But whatever! :P

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