A strange game of six-handed ...

Progressive Rummy, another loss for me!

Gus, Chris, Greg, Janet, Grandpa and I played a game of six-handed Progressive Rummy after the Dutch Flat/Alta Fourth of July Parade.

Hand Cards Dealt Gus Chris Greg Janet GrandPa Richard Comment
---- ----------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----------------------------------------------
1 6 120 -85 -80 -60 -40 175 Gus and I make a strong start
--- --- --- --- --- ---
120 -85 -80 -60 -40 175 I'm winning, and winning is everything

2 7 -80 85 -50 -145 -110 -65 Chris Shoots the Moon and wipes us out but ...
--- --- --- --- --- ---
40 0 -130 -205 -150 110 I'm still ahead and therefore a winner

3 8 60 125 225 90 175 120 Greg scores big but ...
--- --- --- --- --- ---
100 125 95 -115 25 230 I'm still ahead and therefore a winner

4 9 -105 -125 -100 120 120 -120 Janet & GrandPa conspire against the table ...
--- --- --- --- --- ---
-5 0 -5 5 145 110 and GrandPa has a small lead (for now)

5 10 95 160 205 230 150 95 Janet scores big ...
--- --- --- --- --- ---
90 160 200 235 295 205 but GrandPa is the overall winner.


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