We took my nephew Greg to ...

the 2006 K.I.A.I. Isshinryu Karate Grand Nationals today at Japantown in San Francisco.

We went over to the city early this morning - arriving before 8:30AM for registration. There was as opening ceremony that included the Eden Aoba Taiko group from Hayward. After the amazing drumming and dancing there were several Karate demonstrations by the "Grand Masters" and a really lame video. Greg's class didn't compete until 2:30PM but no one was ever certain where or when anything would start so we ended up spending most of our time there waiting in the basement lobby where we could hear the ovrehead announcements.

Greg competed in Kata, performing the Wansu and also in sparring (or Kumite).

We rested for a while after coming home and then went out to dinner at Tomatina on Park Street in Alameda.

After we came home I 'forced' everyone to watch the only Zombie-Comedy movie that I am aware of: Shaun of the Dead.


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