My (formerly) favorite Nephew ...

(named) Brian said this about my recent post "Wild things in spotted in Redwood Valley":
I think these pictures of the cat and these vultures go well together. Perhaps the vultures should be shown ABOVE the cat, and then you could explain how they were circling over this cat on a chair.

"Shortly after taking these photos, the vultures dove onto the lazy mamma cat, mistaking her for a dead carcass. All of her wrath was stirred as she was awoken from her slumber. I can not show the pictures I took of the battle because they are not blog safe. However, the top picture is the cat after defeating her foes."

Photoshop to follow.

And then this:
I think you need to add this to your blog. People will want to know the outcome of the Redwood Valley Vultures vs. Lazy Mamma Cat battle!

And included this horrible horrible picture even though everyone knows that Mamma Cat only eats Potato bugs:

Shellie has a blog post about this picture: Mamma Cat attacks a vulture!


Anonymous said…
Priceless! To think I was there and missed the Real story. M

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