I learned a new word while watching ...

an episode of the TV series: Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe on the Discovery Channel.

And the word is:

  ampelography [am-peh-LAW-gra-fee]
    The science of description and identification of grapevine cultivars from the genus Vitis.

As a native of California, I feel ashamed that I did not instinctively know this word.

And now ... back to work

Late update! My Father-in-law, Bill Kelly had this to say:
The link which led to cultivars was quite interesting. Of particular note is the mention of the Corporate world wishing to patent some species which are not natural or found in nature. Can growing species, not found in nature, be owned by some Corporate power?? I see ahead, first, a movie on the subject with Tom Cruise, and second, a Supreme Court decision.
Bush will be out of office by the time these come about.

And I say, yes, Bush will be out of office, but scarily, his Supreme Court will live on for years and years.


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