We went browsing for a new ...

Recliner today.

Chris liked the "Ella" recliner by Lafer.

I liked the "Kiri" recliner also by Lafer.

Local stores that carry Lafer:
Viking Trader - Berkeley
Leif Petersen - Larkspur

And these Internet storefronts:
Bradd & Hall

We tried without any luck to find something modeled after the Arts and Crafts style Morris chair - but with a recliner mechanism.

Other stores we browsed at today:
The Craftsman Home
Country Home Furniture

And totally unrelated to recliners - but still an interesting place:
Dark Carnival: Bookstore of the Imagination


Anonymous said…
jimbo has a chair that is modeled after an Arts & Crafts Morris chair that reclines by the use of two little inserts that have to be manually manipulated but allow the back of the chair to recline in approximately 5" increments...
Anonymous said…
Chris and I saw of bunch of that style of chair. I'm too lazy to have to get up out of the chair just so I can recline in same chair.
Beastarzmom said…
I vote for the one Chris liked. Looks way more comfy.

eqnljupt = equal and normal juxtaposition

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