102.5 ...

miles biked in three daze. A new record for me.

31.10 Tuesday
38.90 Wednesday (my new second longest ride)
32.50 Thursday
102.5 Total

As of today, my daily average is now 19.06 miles.

Bonus unrelated linkies: L.A. Accessorizes With Geodesic Tree Houses by O2 Treehouses


Shellie said…
YAY for YOU! Yes... I noticed the spelling used for days was daze... you must be in a daze after all that riding! I'm so impressed, I'm going to go on a walk right now!
Jen said…
I tried to call last night but the phone spazzed out or something. Anyhoo, the boys and I are going to be in the Bay Area on Tuesday, so I was seeing if you guys would be around at all for a short visit.

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