Foiled again by the suggestion of ...

snow. Not actual snow, just the complete absence of the same on the road to the Bristlecone Pines - blocked by the USFS for NO REASON AT ALL. But I'm not bitter because we successfully circumnavigated the entirety of the White Mountains today following this path starting from Bishop:
* South on 395
* North-East on 168 thru the beautiful Westgard Pass
* North on White Mountain Road as far as the road closure above the Sierra Viewpoint at 9,500' elevation
* South on White Mountain Road
* North-East on 168 again
* North on 264
* North-East on 773
* East on an unnamed dirt road
* South on Emigrant Pass Road
* North on Emigrant Pass Road
* North-East on an unnamed dirt road
* West then South on 6 back to Bishop

Highway 168, paved but one very narrow and twisty lane:

Cactus with flower:

Closeup of the cactus flower, with ants:

Rock flower:




Blue and white:

Beautiful mixed up geology along Emigrant Pass Road:


Antelope hoof:

Intelligent wild horse:

Boundary Peak:


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