We have safely arrived in ...

Ely, Nevada.

Crazy beautiful windy weather all day. Rain, snow, sleet, sand storms. Just started snowing ... very sideways in Ely. Storm front just arriving here.

Consistent winds of 60 to 80 mph. Mostly tailwinds so I expect good gas mileage for today.

Blizzard in Tonopah.

18-wheeler tipped over blocking road to Ely for several hours. I forced Gramcie to listen to "American Idiot". She survived ... barely.

The road ahead:

Not the repeating pattern I first thought:


The craziest "art cars" I have ever seen:

'Wait a moment, let me fix my hair':

Smashed trailer:


Janet said…
Gramcie, listening to American Idiot? Will wonders never cease?

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